Prattville Lodge #89 is one of 265 Lodges chartered by the Grand Lodge of Alabama.
Our History
As compiled by Bro. Bryan M. Leagans, 32° Master Mason & Past Master
The Beginning
According to Lodge records, the first regular communication of Prattville Lodge No. 89 took place on March 13, 1848. Present at this regular communication were the following, S. Spigener (WM), J.P. Parham (SW), Amos Smith (JW), and C. Krout (Secretary). These brothers met under a dispensation from The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alabama. The dispensation was granted to L. Spigener, Caseman Krout, E. Woodruff, I.C. Richards, Amos Smith, William Carmack, Daniel Pratt, and Jesse P. Parham. The dispensation was signed on December 9, 1847 by R. Greene (Grand Master), Amand P. Pfister (Grand Secretary).
During this First regular communication, a code of laws for the government of the lodge was submitted and a committee which had been previously selected to procure jewelry and furniture for the lodge reported that the jewelry was ready but asked for further time to report on the furniture. The committee was then ordered to procure cotton aprons for the lodge. Brother C. Krout was appointed to procure books for the use of the Lodge. This concluded the first regular communication of the Lodge.
The Second regular communication took place on March 27, 1848. Present at this communication were the same officers along with Brethren E. Cannell, A. Hill, E. Woodruff, and J. Krout. At this communication a petition for Initiation from William Walker and petitions for Membership from E. Cannell, William Gordon, and Abner Hill were read and received. The books for use of the Lodge were procured and produced. The committee on furniture requested more time, but reported that progress was being made.
A Special communication commenced on April 4, 1848. Present at this special communication were S. Spigener (WM), W. Ferrell from the Grand Lodge, William Carmack (SW Pro Tern), Amos Smith (JW), J.M. Gordon (Sec. Pro Tern), James Ramsey (Treasurer Pro Tern), E. Cannell (SD Pro Tern), J. Krout (JD Pro Tern), and E. Woodruff (Tyler Pro Tern); along with members Daniel Pratt and Caseman Krout and visiting Brethren William Enall, D. MarFarell and Walker. During this special communication, petitions for initiation were received for Thos J. Koger and William 0. Ormsby. They were read and received. A motion was made that the petitions of both these brethren be considered an emergency to exemplify the work. Both were balloted on immediately and both were declared duly elected to the first degree of Masonry. At this same communication both petitioners were “introduced and initiated in due form ” and afterwards Bro. Ferrell from the Grand Lodge “in most beautiful manner explained the emblements and working tools of this degree. ” Afterwards the lodge was adjourned until the next day, April 5, 1848 at 9:00 AM. The following day, with all the same officers present, except C. Krout who was Secretary, opened a MM lodge. Visiting brethren included C. Cobb, William Spigener, and J.M. Gordon. The first order of business was that the petitions of Bro. Ormsby and Bro. Koger for the Fellowcraft degree were presented. Once again a motion was made that their case be considered an emergency to exemplify the work. They were both balloted on and declared duly elected to receive the second degree of Masonry. The lodge was then opened in the Fellowcraft degree where Brother Ormsby was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in due form. The Lodge once again adjourned until half past 2:00 PM. Work was resumed that afternoon with Brethren Whetstone, Sale, Dejernneth, Cobb and William Spigener visiting. The petition of Bro. Ormsby for the sublime degree of Master Mason was once again considered, on a motion, a case of emergency to exemplify the work. Bro. Ormsby was declared elected to receive the sublime degree of Master Mason and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. The Lodge was once again adjourned until “early candle light.” When the lodge was resumed members William Carmack and J .P Parham were present, along with visiting brethren Walker, Harmoke, Dejernneth, and W.E. Nall. Bro. Thos J. Koger was introduced and passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in due form. Bro. Koger’s petition for the sublime degree of Master Mason was then considered, on a motion, an emergency to exemplify the work. Though a first ballot was not clear, a second ballot was taken and Bro. Koger was declared duly elected to receive the sublime degree of Master Mason. Records show that he was introduced and raised to the degree in “due and ample form.” Once again the lodge was adjourned until 9:00 AM the next day. On April 6, 1848 work was resumed and “the Grand Lodge proceeded to lecture on the three several degrees. ” The Lodge then adjourned “until half past 2:00 PM.” Work resumed that afternoon with Brother Ferrell, who was the Grand Lodge lecturer, giving the lecture “on the several three degrees. ” This concluded the degree work for the two new brothers and the lodge thanked Bro. Ferrell for his “very able and interesting lecture delivered to this lodge.”
The next regular communication took place on April 10, 1848. It was presided over by the same officers and was attended by members Daniel Pratt and William Carmack. Visiting Brethren included W.H. Cox, and Walker. At this communication William Walker was introduced and initiated in due form. A petition for membership from Brothers Macolm Smith and McCrany were read and received. The Committee that had been appointed on E. Cannell, A. Hill and J.M. Gordon returned a favorable report. Ballots were taken on all three, but the vote on J.M. Gordon was rejected after two votes. Following the votes, the WM then appointed the following brethren to serve in the lodge: Caseman Krout (Secretary), Daniel Pratt (Treasurer), William 0. Ormsby (SD), E. Woodruff (JD), and J. Krout (Tiler). On the next regular communication on May 8, 1848 is the first reference to a brother, William Walker, being examined in open lodge on a degree of Masonry. Bro. Walker was examined on the Fellowcraft degree. Afterwards Bro. Walker was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.
The first reference to the Lodge’s finances during this period is made on June 12, 1848 at the regular communication. At this communication the record indicates that a bill was presented to the lodge for jewels in the amount of $32.00 by Mr. R. Jenney and passed for payment. In addition a payment was made to Bro. A.J. Pfister in the amount of $3.62. The Secretary and Treasurer reported that the lodge had in the treasury an amount of $75.68. Lodge finances will be discussed in more detail later.
The period from June 12, 1848 through October 23, 1848 was a very busy time for the lodge that resulted in many new initiations and members being added. The records show there was just one special communication that occurred during this period and it occurred on July 17, 1848 for the purpose of conferring the Fellowcraft degree to Bro. Laycock. One interesting fact that occurred during this period was at the regular communication on July 10, 1848, Bro. Caseman Krout, who was the secretary of the lodge, was appointed as a committee to procure a sword for the Tyler. The sword was finally obtained from Lewis Owen for the sum of $6.50, where at the regular communication of August 28, 1848 payment for the sword was passed. At that same communication on August 28, 1848 is the first record of letters being received from other lodges. The letters came from Wilcox Lodge #80 and Summerfield Lodge #85 and were read to the lodge.
On November 13, 1848, at the regular communication, a communication was received from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge which was read and ordered to be filled. On a motion, the lodge proceeded to elect a representative to the Grand Lodge. Bro. M. Smith was elected to be the lodge’s representative to the Grand Lodge. On another motion, he was instructed to obtain a charter for the lodge. At the next regular communication on November 27, 1848, an order on the Treasurer for $37 was made for the purpose of paying for the charter from the Grand Lodge.
On December 11, 1848, Prattville Lodge No. 89 was officially opened under a charter from the Grand Lodge. The charter members were: L. Spigener, Amos Smith, Daniel Pratt, William 0. Ormsby, Jesse P Parham, Malcolm Smith and Caseman Krout. The charter was signed by Rufus Green (Grand Master), J. McCaleb Wiley (Deputy Grand Master), William C. Penick (Senior Grand Warden), Thomas M. Bragg (Junior Grand Warden), and Amand P. Pfister (Grand Secretary). During this regular communication the first officers of the lodge, under the charter from the Grand Lodge, were declared duly elected. L. Spigener (WM), Jesse P. Parham (SW), Calvin Cobb (JW), Daniel Pratt (TREAS), J.M. Smith (SEC), William 0. Ormsby (SD), E. Woodruff (JD), and E. Carrol (TYLER). These officers were installed at the next regular communication on December 25, 1848 with the assistance of Bro. J. D. Whetstone. During this communication Bro. J.P. Parham offered a resolution, to be held over until the next communication, that the bylaws “be so amended as to read that the regular communication of this lodge shall be held on the (4th) Fourth Monday night of each Month.” At the next regular communication of January 8, 1849, Bro. Parham’s resolution passed. Also of interest at this communication was the report of a committee that had been assigned. Bro. E. Woodruff, who was chairman of the committee, raised the sum of $17 for the benefit of Mrs. Reese from the members and it was sent to her.
The First June 24th Celebration
Lodge records show that at each regular, and a few special, communications that the work of the lodge was steady. Brothers were initiated into the several degrees. At a special communication on April 23, 1849 a motion was made and approved to have a Celebration on the 24th of June. Subsequently, at the next regular communication on April 28, 1849, it was resolved by the brethren to have a dinner at the celebration. A committee of arrangement was formed consisting of J.M. Smith, Daniel Pratt and Caseman Krout. On the next regular communication of May 12, 1849 the committee reported ”favorably towards the dinner” and it was motioned “resolved to have a Masonic dinner at any place the committee saw proper.” At the next regular communication of the lodge on May 28, 1849, elections were held and the following officers were elected: L. Spigener (WM), Jesse P. Parham (SW), Caseman Krout (JW), Daniel Pratt (Treas)., J.M. Smith (Sec), William 0. Ormsby (SD), W. Walker (JD), and E Cannell (Tyler). After the elections, communications from Benton Lodge #59, Autauga #31 and Montgomery # 11 were read. The first two communications invited Prattville Lodge No. 89 to their anniversary of St. John the Baptist, on the 21st at Benton Lodge #59 and on the 25th at Autauga #31. The communication from Montgomery # 11 was an acceptance to participate in Prattville Lodge No. 89’s celebration.
On June 25, 1849, a special communication began at 10:00 AM on St. Johns Day for the purpose of installing the officers elect and dedicating the lodge. The officers consisted of E.A. Benson (GL), L. Spigener (WM), J.P. Parham (SW), C. Cobb (JW)., D. Pratt (Treas), J.M. Smith (Sec), W. Ormsby (SD)., W. Walker (JD), and E Cannell (Tyler). Members in attendance included: M. Smith, A. Smith, C. Krout, J. Krout, George Laycock, William Camack and “others visiting”. A procession was formed and preceded to the Baptist Church where the officers, by the assistance of Bro. Benson, were duly installed and an able address was delivered on behalf of the fraternity by Bro. J.P. Parham. Afterwards the procession returned to the lodge room where the lodge was called from labor to refreshment. At 7:30 PM the lodge was ordered from refreshment to labor and the minutes of the last regular communication were read. An account was also presented for payment from Pratt’s Company (Prattville Cotton Mills & Banking Company) for rent of the lodge room. This concluded the lodge’s frrst St. Johns day.