Anyone seeking membership in Freemasonry must ask a Masonic friend to recommend him. He must sign a Petition, stating his full legal name, his age, occupation and place of residence. Don’t think you know any Masons? You might be surprised, however if you are not sure you can always come to the Lodge and introduce yourself. There is usually something going on at the Lodge on Monday nights. You can check out the Events Page where there is a calendar of events happening at the Lodge. We would love to talk about Masonry with anyone who is interested.
Click Here to download a Petition for the Mysteries of Freemasonry
The petitioner should then bring his completed petition to the Lodge in person. This will allow any Lodge members present to meet you and for you to meet them, this also presents a good opportunity to ask questions about the Lodge and Freemasonry in general. There is a joining fee of $300.00, $200.00 due when you submit your petition, the remaining $100.00 can be paid as you progress through the degrees. If your petition is declined for what ever reason your money will be returned to you. This fee can be paid in cash or by check made out to Prattville Lodge #89. Once the Lodge receives your completed petition and fee, your petition will be read during a regular Lodge meeting and the Master of the Lodge will assign a committee to investigate your character. Once their investigation is complete the committee will report back to the Lodge their findings. After the committe makes their report the Lodge members present will vote on your petition. Acceptance into the Lodge requires a unanimous vote of the members present. Click play below to watch a short video about Freemasonry
Who Freemasons Are
Many of our nation’s early patriots were Freemasons, as well as thirteen signers of the Constitution and fourteen Presidents of the United States, beginning with George Washington. Today, the more than four million Freemasons around the world come from virtually every occupation and profession. Within the Fraternity, however, they all meet as equals. They come from diverse political ideologies, but they meet as friends. They come from virtually every religious belief, but they all believe in one God. One of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry has always been: how so many men, from so many different walks of life, can meet together in peace, never have any political or religious debates, always conduct their affairs in harmony and friendship, and call each other “Brother!”
What Freemasons Do
Freemasons are respectable citizens who are taught to conform to the moral laws of society and to abide by the laws of the government under which they live. They are men of charity and good works. They remain unchallenged as “the world’s greatest philanthropy!” The Freemasons of America contribute more than one million dollars every day to charitable causes which they, alone, have established. These services to mankind represent an unparalleled example of the humanitarian commitment and concern of this unique and honorable Fraternity.